What better way to start your party right than with the perfect bridal shower invitation? Rooted from traditional dowry practices, bridal showers are centered all around the bride-to-be and what the future holds for the lucky gal. Gifts are given, advices shared, stories told, the future bride is celebrated by her closest friends and loved ones. Bridal showers are the perfect time to not only bond with her girl friends, but also the time to really find out what married life is all about. Before you tie the knot and get your well-deserved happy ending, you have to be prepared for the changes that are in store for you.
Bridal showers are often spontaneous and casual so formal invitations aren’t particularly observed. However, invitations can give any gathering a certain specialness. It makes the party more genuine and sentimental. For romantic brides willing to make sure that her first step to happy ever after won’t be stingy, bridal shower invitations are of vital importance.
Cheap Bridal Shower Invitations

Saving up for the big wedding? Don’t worry! You won’t have to sacrifice your personal taste and style on your invites. There are plenty of lovely and affordable bridal shower invitations out there. Their modest designs and clean appearance are great for any kind of party.
Free Printable Bridal Shower Invitations

Customize your own invites! You can find hundreds of easy to personalize bridal shower invitation templates online. Just add your unique tweaks and print! It’s that easy.
Inexpensive Bridal Shower Invitations

You don’t need to spend much on your invitations. Shops across the country offer a wide variety of inexpensive yet enchanting bridal shower invitations. But if you really want to save, consider making your own invitations. They won’t cost much and will do the job better than store-bought invites.
Vintage Bridal Shower Invitations

With their enduring appeal and meticulous details, vintage bridal shower invitations are great for stylish brides with a penchant for classic style. Their elegant curves and sophisticated icons will surely impress your guests. They’ll be dying to go to your shower.
DIY Bridal Shower Invitations

It’s unarguable that the best way to really make your invites more personal is to make them yourself. Get your creative juices flowing and design your own invitations. You don’t need to have Picasso’s eye for detail or van Gogh’s ingenuity to wow your guests. Your invites should reflect your personal style.
Tea Party Bridal Shower Invitations

Whether you’re hosting a tea party or a fan of the delectable brew, this theme is perfect for that graceful look. Teas are calm and refined drinks that will ultimately show your guests just how stylish and elegant you are. Warm up your guests with a cup of tea!
Around the Clock Bridal Shower Invitations

Can’t wait for the big day? Start counting down the days and hours and seconds to the bride-to-be’s wedding day with an around the clock themed party. Guests will love it and will want to keep their invites around even when the party’s over!
Unique Bridal Shower Invitations

Showcase the bride’s individuality with an invitation that stands out. Experiment with the invitations texture by adding glitter or sequins or other trinkets that will really impress your guests. Try out daring designs and bold colors to make the invites as unique as the bride-to-be.
Fall Bridal Shower Invitations

What’s more romantic than the stoic colors and chilly atmosphere of autumn? Shades of oranges and grays and reds can give any invite that fall theme. Fall is a season of maturity. Gals ready to settle down (but not slow down) will love this theme.
Homemade Bridal Shower Invitations

Generic invitations aren’t nearly as cozy as homemade ones. Invites made at home are special. It makes your guests feel more welcome and loved.
Purple Bridal Shower Invitations

For that majestic look that screams sophistication, going purple is the way to go. Ladylike but not at the risk of looking commonplace, purple is the perfect color for those who want a chic but not over the top invite. Make your invitation classy and sassy with this design.
Country Bridal Shower Invitations

Are you a country mouse? Charm your guests with a snug and comfy country theme! Give them a taste of country life with natural colors like green and yellow and ornate but gentle patterns and frames. Yee haw!
Peacock Bridal Shower Invitations

Peacocks are showy birds with brilliantly colored fan-shaped tails. These birds like to show off their extravagantly patterned tails to impress. Their flagrant design will make your invites pop and snap! A great way to show your guests that you mean business.
Couples Bridal Shower Invitations

Don’t forget, the groom is getting married too! Celebrate his and her upcoming wedding and send out couples bridal shower invitations. A silhouette of a romantic couple, a pair of lovebirds, twin wine glasses – these are just a few ideas of what you can have on your invitations. You can even take a step further by adding in the bride’s and the groom’s personal style, blended tastefully, of course.
African American Bridal Shower Invitations

Fun and feisty brides deserve invitations that speak their personality. Go for bubbly colors and cute designs for playful gals. But for classier brides, elegant tones and stylish patterns are recommended.
Sunflower Bridal Shower Invitations

Dazzle your guests with this intense design. Sunflowers are known for their bright yellow petals and warm appeal. Your invites will have that heartfelt charm that comes naturally to sunflowers.
Nautical Bridal Shower Invitations

For gals who can’t get enough of the brilliant, blue sea. Welcome your guests aboard with a nautical themed invitation! They’ll love to be part of your exciting voyage to happiness.
Wine Themed Bridal Shower Invitations

Wine connoisseur or not, this style will definitely give your invitation a sweet and scrumptious taste. The smooth red color and curvy wine glass are lovely sights to behold for wine lovers. Mouths will water with this theme.
Western Bridal Shower Invitations

Take a trip to the wild, wild west! Cowboys and lassos and boots and hoedowns – who doesn’t love the lively west? Indulge your gal pals with this fun and cool theme.
Black and White Bridal Shower Invitations

Very stylish yet simple. This gorgeous theme is perfect for elegant ladies who like the clean-cut look. Black and white is a classic that will never get old.